Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Reminder
So I've been watching CNN at the gym lately. There have been several news stories regarding the effect of military deployments on the children left at home. Yeah, probably not the best stories to be watching on this end of J's deployment! One of the biggest points made was that is IS affecting, particularily for three categories of kids: teens, girls, and reservists/families away from military bases. We've got two out of three covered - at least we don't have a teenager! The incidence of anxiety and depression skyrockets in those three groups. Another major factor was the attitude, support and abilities of the parent at home running the daily ins and outs of life. Wow - that hit me like a ton of bricks! So much of my children's success and mental well being is related to how positive I can make this experience for them. Hmmm... that got me thinking... What are some ways to keep this light hearted, positive, even... dare I think... fun?
Here are some ideas:
summer garden
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A New Season
And here they are... my sweet military family
Its not like we are new to the deployment experience... we've done this twice before. J was in Japan, Guam and had plenty of close calls in Iraq. We've weathered guiding our child through daddy's absence. We've had the hurried, sad goodbyes and the glorious, almost surreal returns. However, this time is entirely different. In the past J was active duty, and there was a support system of other military families undergoing the same event. It was more normal, if that's even possible. I was able to move back to my hometown and have the support of my family loving and encouraging and simply keeping the loneliness at bay. Now we are an island, a reserve military family in a sea of civilians - no comrads in war, no family to depend upon. It can be a harrowing thought. Alas, I'm reminded that we really have it so good - our blessings are overflowing! I'm not a single mother, struggling to make ends meet - God bless those women! - we're not really alone. Perhaps part of this experience is a lesson for me, a lesson in empathy for the widows and orphans of the world... Let me embrace that, and be thankful for the trials in life. I love the Bible verse: "...Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope..." (Romans 5:3-4). The suffering is not really suffering after all...
Now we try to accomodate J's increasingly busy schedule. His phone conferences and weekends away, his three plus week FEX, his full time civilian job on top of that, and the stresses that he bears with such dignity, despite nights of waking up for hours with racing thoughts, despite missing out on the slow simple things. There is no better person to hold his position... he is a leader and will serve us all to the highest standard. I love you, J.