Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Reminder
So I've been watching CNN at the gym lately. There have been several news stories regarding the effect of military deployments on the children left at home. Yeah, probably not the best stories to be watching on this end of J's deployment! One of the biggest points made was that is IS affecting, particularily for three categories of kids: teens, girls, and reservists/families away from military bases. We've got two out of three covered - at least we don't have a teenager! The incidence of anxiety and depression skyrockets in those three groups. Another major factor was the attitude, support and abilities of the parent at home running the daily ins and outs of life. Wow - that hit me like a ton of bricks! So much of my children's success and mental well being is related to how positive I can make this experience for them. Hmmm... that got me thinking... What are some ways to keep this light hearted, positive, even... dare I think... fun?
Here are some ideas:
summer garden
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A New Season
And here they are... my sweet military family
Its not like we are new to the deployment experience... we've done this twice before. J was in Japan, Guam and had plenty of close calls in Iraq. We've weathered guiding our child through daddy's absence. We've had the hurried, sad goodbyes and the glorious, almost surreal returns. However, this time is entirely different. In the past J was active duty, and there was a support system of other military families undergoing the same event. It was more normal, if that's even possible. I was able to move back to my hometown and have the support of my family loving and encouraging and simply keeping the loneliness at bay. Now we are an island, a reserve military family in a sea of civilians - no comrads in war, no family to depend upon. It can be a harrowing thought. Alas, I'm reminded that we really have it so good - our blessings are overflowing! I'm not a single mother, struggling to make ends meet - God bless those women! - we're not really alone. Perhaps part of this experience is a lesson for me, a lesson in empathy for the widows and orphans of the world... Let me embrace that, and be thankful for the trials in life. I love the Bible verse: "...Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope..." (Romans 5:3-4). The suffering is not really suffering after all...
Now we try to accomodate J's increasingly busy schedule. His phone conferences and weekends away, his three plus week FEX, his full time civilian job on top of that, and the stresses that he bears with such dignity, despite nights of waking up for hours with racing thoughts, despite missing out on the slow simple things. There is no better person to hold his position... he is a leader and will serve us all to the highest standard. I love you, J.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Arrival of Summer
The garden... so many salads, so much broccoli, so many spinach and turnip greens frozen away for the winter... now turnips, cabbage and even a beet!
He sits there, on one of his two main perches, framed by the heavy firs and mock orange and glacial blue river... I realize I love it here... I have the vast blessing to live here.
I am content.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The sinking feeling overcame me... I momentarily wanted to run, didn't want to face the gruesome reality. But the moment passed and I methodically prepared to confront the carnage. Nothing, not a thing I could do now but survey and salvage as much as possible, if possible.
It was obviously a bear. Not just any bear - THE bear. The same albino blackbear that loitered here last year, that strewed the neighbor's garbage about several weeks ago. I know this only because it came back late again in the afternoon, to lick up the scraps I suppose, and my dog gave me ample warning in growls. I ran out and yelled that mangey, yellowish, LARGE (much larger than last year) creature back down the slope.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Evening Diversions
New Comb
The final object of writing interest this evening: Garden salads. Yes, those greens I longed for for months, dreamed of during the long whiteness of winter, thought of which I would never tire... those greens. They are just beginning to overwhelm me. We have been eating salads every day since that first exhilirating salad last week, and the salad keeps on coming. I've given several bags of greens away, but they're reproducing like rabbits, or, well, bees. Tomorrow I am harvesting spinach and possibly turnip greens to freeze, then probably will be compelled to eat yet another salad for dinner. So many salads, so few salad permutations. Tonight I got creative with what was hiding in my kitchen... here's a blanket recipe for tonight's salad - a little different, a little more exciting:
Tonight's Thai Shrimp Salad
1 can coconut milk (though I think ideally coconut cream)
a couple Tblsp brown sugar
quartered button mushrooms
fish sauce to taste
Curry paste or a garlicky seasoning to taste
Bring to low boil, cook mushrooms. Add
Cook until shrimp are pink and add juice of
one lime
and a handful of bean thread noodles or rice noodles
Add to Salad:
Garden greens
thinly sliced Green Onion
thinly sliced onion or shallots
thinly sliced hot pepper (serrano in my case)
thinly sliced lemon grass (if you have it on hand)
peanuts or cashews
about one inch finely grated ginger
fresh mint leaves
fresh cilantro
water chestnuts
Basically anything in your kitchen that sounds good... :) Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Chaos Versus Cleanliness
Proper Pepper Propping... Perfect!
Order... Chaos... What DOES tend to incite my order analities is my desire for a clean house - I get that from my mom... her structure and cleanliness kept us kids healthy, well loved, safe. Her home was, still is, unabashedly clean. I relish the feel of fresh shining floors under my feet, of smooth white bathtub walls, of sparkling stainless steel kitchen sinks, not even a streak of mineral deposit or grease... I may not have all the paperwork filed away, all the little piles of this and that in their proper places, but, darn it, my house is scum free!
Super Shine!
I make my own cleaners - I have since my daughter was a baby seven years ago. I just can't stomach the thought of any extra chemicals assaulting young cells. Here are my cleaner recipes... they work just as well as the toxics, if not better!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hives and Produce
Yesterday was a day of the new. New gardens planted, new plants sprouting, new food. My son and I planted the summer garden... lets see... cucumbers, crooknecks, zucchinis, butternut squash, pole beans, bush beans, more tomato and peppers, basil, dill, marigolds, nasturtiums, sunflowers, my celery seedlings (started months ago), corn, some more mesclun mix. Then we harvested a delicious salad for dinner - FINALLY! The salad was a mix of spinach, mustard, little tiny radishes, young turnip leaves, mesclun mix, lettuce, green onion, chive, terragon, lemon mint, and some purple leafy plant my dad previously scattered about. It was... flavorful!
First Garden Salad of the Year
The sun has been shining with an increased intensity lately - it makes me feel joy and ambition, and it seems to incite similar attitudes in the garden. Each day I watch as new things appear and old things advance... potatoes are sprouting all over the place, spinach leaves double in size nearly daily, peas are now able to be trellised... oh, and weeds are finally threatening their mass usurpation. No worries there, however - I just can't seem to stay away long enough to let the weeds abound. I find myself drawn out there morning, noon and night. Drawn out to wander, poke around, beg and plead new seeds into sprouts, nibble older things here and there... My kids are just as enticed by the greenery and know nearly every plant by name and taste and danger level (no potato leaves, kids!). The thrill at seeing one of our honeybees alighted upon a tomato leaf! The titillation of a spicy mustard leaf upon the tongue! Its all so sensory, it has to somehow advance young brain development.
The Finished Salad
A few additions - tomato, cheese, garbanzo beans and leftover chicken, and the salad was a complete meal!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hive Inspection II
Comb I pried off the first follower board. No brood, just food.